by Damodara Rao Dasu

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inniyu jaduva nEla - mukhAri

In this philosophic padam Annamaiah elucidates the ephemeral nature of our physical existence, stating that Lord Venkateswara alone,the master of the present and the transcendental worlds, is solace to all.
P inniyu jaduva nEla inta vedaka nEla
kannu teruchu Tokati kannu mooyu TokaTE||
What is all this learning for? What is all this search for? Afterall whether you open your eyes or close, it is all the same to the conscience.
C 1 vale nanadoka mATa valadanE dokamATA
silugu lee renTikini chittamE guri
vale nanTe bandhamu valadanTe mOkshamu
telise vijNAnulaku teruvidi yokaTE ||
To do or not to do is always a question. When there is dilemma conscience is the best guide. Involvement in worldly matters is bondage. Renouncing leads to salvation. Conscience is the supreme guide to the learned.
C 2 puTTeDi dokaTi pOyeDi dokaTE
tiTTami ee renTikini dEhamE guri
puTTuTa samSayamu pOvuTa niSchayamu
voTTina vijNAnulaku nupamidi yokaTE ||
Birth and death are just phases because only body is their target. Death is certain but re- birth is doubtful. The wise accept them with equanimity.
C 3 paramanE dokkaTE prapancha mokkaTE
sirula nee ronTikini jeevuDE guri
iravai venkatESu Diha paramula karta
SaraNAgatula kella satata meeta DokaDE ||
The physical and the transcendental worlds are equal to the soul. The mortal body is the target for life and death. Lord Venkatesa is by your side. He is the Lord of the present and transcendental worlds. He is the only refuge to the people that surrender.

intakante Emunnadi - suraTi

In this song Annamaiah expresses his immense gratitude to Sri Venkatesa for bestowing him with a good body,intelligence and dignified place among learned people.

P intakante nEmunnadi enta tala pOsinanu
chinta deera nee sEva chEyutE kaladi||
What more does anyone get even if he struggles much? Only serving you assuages one's agonies.
C 1 upakAramuga dEha mosagitivi nAku
upaminchi nEjEsE pratyupakAra mika nEdi
epuDoo nee dharmamuna niTu nee ruNasthuDanai
prapannuDanai nEnu bratukuTE kaladi ||
You blessed me with this body . How can I show my gratitude? I'll always be righteous and remain indebted to you. That itself makes my life happy.
C 2 vEvEga verri jEyaka vivEki jEsitivi
eeviki nE mArichchE dekkaDunnadi
eevala neeku keertiga niTTE nee yadheenuDanai
bhAvinchi bhayamu lEka bratukuTE kaladi ||
You bestowed me with intelligence instead of making me a stupid. What can I give you in exchange? I praise your glory and remain as your humble servant. I live free from all worries. That is itself a rich life.
C 3 jaDulalO goorchaka AchAryunitO goorchitivi
naDapETi nee saraviki nA saravi Emunnadi
eDayaka Sree venkaTESa neeku banTunai
baDi vAya kiTlA nE bratukuTE kaladi ||
You associated me with wise teachers instead of making me a fool. My ability is nothing before your skill in executing . Oh Venkatesa, I'll be your humble servant. This is truly a rich way of living.

idiye sAdhana

In this song Annamaiah eulogises the greatness and sacredness of Sree Venkatesa's name which alone bestows eternal happiness.

P idiye sAdhana mihaparamulakunu
padilamu mA pAli parama pu nAmamu ||
This name alone is the means to live in this world and in the transcendental world. His supreme name bestows all security.
C 1 kali dOsha haramu kaivalyakaramu
alarina mA srihari nAmamu
sulabhamu soukhyamu SObhana tilakamu
palu mArunu Sreepati nAmamu ||
It destroys the evils of kali yuga and bestows emancipation. Sri Hari's name shines forever. It is easy,it bestows happiness. It is auspicious and is the ultimate. Chant Sreepati's name repeatedly.
C 2 pApanASanamu bandha vimOkshamu
pipiniDi bhoopati namam
sthApita dhana midi sarva rakshakamu
dApiramidi mAdhava nAmam ||
It dispells sins and releases us from all bonds. The name of the lord of the world is above every thing. It is permanent treasure that protects all. Madhava's name is available to all.
C 3 nEmamu deemamu nityakarma midi
dOmaTi gOvinduni nAmamu
hEmamu SaraNamu inniTa mAkunu
EmEra Sree venkaTeswara nAma ||
It is a precept.It is abode. It is a regular ritual. Govinda's name is our food and gold. He is the sole refuge to us. Sri Venkatesa's name is all-pervading.

ihamE gAni ika paramE gAni

In this keertana Annamacharya states that he does not want anything other than surrendering to Lord Venkateswara ,wherever he is and whatever others comment.

P ihamE gani ika paramE gAni
bahuLamai hari nee pai bhaktE chAlu ||
Oh Hari, be it in this world or in the transcendental world, immense devotion to you is all what I want.
C 1 endu janinchina nEmi echchOTa nunna nEmi
kanduva nee dASyamu kaligitE chAlu
andi swargamE gAni ala narakamE gani
andapu nee nAmamu nA kabbitE chAlu ||
Where ever I am born and wherever I live, I only want a path to serve you. Let it be in hell or let it be in heaven, chanting your glorius name is all what I want.
C 2 dorayaina chalu gaDu tuchchapu banTaina chAlu
karigi ninnu dalacha galigitE chAlu
parulu mechchina mElu nannu dooshinchina mElu
hari nee sEvAparuDauTE chAlu ||
Whether I am a ruler or a poor servant, I am contented of thinking about you always. Others may praise me or insult me, it is fine. It is enough if I am your servant.
C 3 ila chaduvulu rAnee ika rAka mAnanee
talapu nee pAdamula tagulE chAlu
elami Sree venkaTESa Elitivi nannu iTTE
chalapaTTi nAku nee SaraNamE chAlu. ||
Whether I am illiterate or a scholar, it is enough if I can meditate upon your holy feet. Oh Sree Venkatesa, you reign over me. It is enough for me , if I surrender to you unwaveringly.

idiye nAku matamu - sAranga

In this song he refuses to accept even the fruits of rituals. He surrenders himself totally to Lord Venkateswara.

P idiye naku matamu idi vratamu
vuduTula karmamu volla ninkanu ||
This is my religion and this is my vow. I'll not hastily act.
C 1 nipuNata hari nE ninu SaraNanuTe
tapamulu japamulu dharmamulu
nepamuna sakalamu neeve chEkonu
vupamula puNyamu lolla nE ninkanu ||
Surrendering to Sri Hari is itself wisdom. Let all the fruits of rituals to achieve something be surrendered to you only. I do not even want the fruits of my righteous living.
C 2 hari nee dAsuDa nanukonuTE nA
paramunu ihamunu bhAgyamunu
dhara nee mAyala tappu teruvulanu
voragee sukrutamu lolla nE ninkanu ||
The very feeling that I am your devoted servant is my fortune in this life and in the transcendental. I'll not be after any deluding means of earning. I do not want even the fruits of rituals.
C 3 nArAyaNa nee nAmamu dalachuTa
sArapu chaduvulu SAstramulu
eereeti Sree VenkaTESA ninnu golichiti
ooraka itaramu lolla nE ninkanu ||
Meditating upon Narayana mantram is itself the essence of all learning. I'll worship Venkatesa in this way only. I'll not accept anything else.