by Damodara Rao Dasu

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appu lEni samsAra - gujjari

In this Padam Annamaiah eulogises the merits of simple and honest life compared to life of pomp and show devoid of mental peace.
P appu lEni samsAra maina pATE chAlu
tappu lEni jeeta mokka taramaina jAlu ||
A simple life with no debts is far better than pompous life incurring debts.
C 1 kanta lEni guDisokka gampantaina chAlu
chinta lEni yambalokka chAraDE chalu
jantagAni taruNi yE jAtaina nadE chAlu
vinta lEni sampadokka veesamE chAlu ||
Even a small hut without leakage is enough. A cup of porridge without worries is better. A woman of any caste is better than a characterless beauty. A little wealth with no blemish is more satisfying.
C 2 tiTTu lEni bratukokka dinamaina nade chAlu
muTTu lEni kooDokka muddaDE chAlu
guTTu cheDi manu kanTe konchepu mElaina chAlu
vaTTi jAli baDu kanTe vachchinantE chAlu ||
A life without insults is happier, even if it is short. Sinless food is better even if it is just a fistful. A humble life is better than rich infamy life. Contentment is happier than struggling all the time.
C 3 lampaTa paDani mElu lava lESamE chAlu
rompi kambamou kanTe rOyuTE chAlu
rampapu kOrika kanTe rati vEnkaTapati
pampuna natani jErE bhavamE chAlu||
Gain without entanglements is better even if it is a little. A life hating fascinations is better than unstable life like a pillar in mud. Surrendering to the will of Venkatapati is the best thought. It is more satisfying.

bhakti nee pai - Suddha vasantam

In this Padam Annamaiah preaches that caste,money,desires and even erudition increase pride but devotion to Venkatesa keeps away all distortions.

P bhakti nee pai dokaTE parama sukhamu
yukti joochina nijambokkaTee lEdu ||
O Venkatesa,only devotion to you bestows supreme bliss. After careful observation, I could not find anything else true.
C 1 kulamenta galiginadi kooDinchu garvambu
chalamenta galiginadi jagaDamE rEchu
talapenta penchina dagilinchu kOrikalu
yelami vijNAnambu yEmiTa lEdu ||
Caste develops pride. Unbalanced behavior results in disputes. Attachment grows with desires. There is no wisdom in any of these.
C 2 dhanamenta galigenadi daTTamou lObhambu
monayu jakkadanambu mOhamulu rEchu
ghana vidya galiginanu kappu paipai madamu
enayanga paramapada minchukayu lEdu ||
Oppulence develops miserliness. Beauty rouses fascination. Erudition develops arrogance. There is no scope for supreme bliss in these.
C 3 taruNulendaru aina tApamulu samakooDu
sirulenni galiginanu chintalE perugu
iravaina SreevenkaTESa ninu goluvaga
perige nAnandambu beLakulika lEvu ||
Young women are the cause of fascination. Oppulence multiplies worries. Oh Venkatesa,there is happiness without any distortions if one is engrosed in worshipping you.

panchEndriyamu - sAlanga nATa

In this Padam Annamaiah compares the living beings to traders and says that we enter the world with accumulated sins and piety. He prays to Venkatesa the master of the living beings and the lords of sensory organs to settle their Papa and Punya and release them.

P panchEndriyamu lanE paTTaNa swAmulAla
tenchi bEramADukoni dincharO baruvu ||
O lords of five Indriyas(ears,eyes,skin,tongue and nose), please strike a deal and unload the weight from my head.
C 1 tagina samsAra samudramu lOna dirigADi
biguvu dEhaputODa bEhAri vADa
jagati puNya pApapu sarukulu dechchinADa
digiti bootu rEvuna deerucharO sunkamu ||
I am like a trader sailing in ship-like body over the sea of worldly life. I brought sins and piety which are like trader's goods. I landed at port of evil called world. Please collect all my dues and unload my burden.
C 2 adari guNa trayamulanETi teDDula chEta
naDuma ninnALLa dAkA naDapinADa
kaDu chanchalamu lanE gAli chApa lettinADa
veDa mAyapu saraku velakiyyarO ||
Somehow I pulled on my life all these days with three qualities satwa,rajas and tamas(goodness,passion and ignorance) which were like oars. Desires in my mind were swaying like sails. Finally I arrived here with accumulated sins and piety which are like deluding goods with me. Please settle my account and release me.
C 3 Atuma yanETi kambha mantarAtmu DekkiyunDi
neetitO mammu gAchuka niluchunnADu
ataDE SrivEnkaTESu DaTu mAku meeku karta
ghAta mAni ika mAku kaDu guNamiyyarO ||
My conscience, like the mast of ship has been honestly protecting me all the while .Oh Lord Venkatesa, the master of living beings and Indriyas, show mercy without hurting.

chAlu chAlu - lalita

In this Padam Annamaiah says that those who seek the protection of Sri Hari have nothing to bother about.

P chAlu chAlu nee hariyE mAkunu
sakala kriyalaku nAyakuDu
nAluka tudanE eetaDunDaga
nalugaDa nevvari vedikEmu ||
Sri Hari is the presiding deity of all our actions. When his name is on our tongue, why should we search for other gods?
C 1 Elina vADaTa lakshmee vibhuDaTa
EmiTanu korata mAkikanu
nAlOnunnADu brahma tanDriyaTa
nAkAshyamu bAtA
pAlajaladhi pai dEvuni varamu
pADi mAku nika nEmarudu
Alimpaga nEmintaTi varamu
anyula kika cheyi chAchEmA ||
Srihari the consort of Lakshmi the goddess for wealth is our protector. What more do we want?? Srihari the father of the creator Brahma, is in my heart. Is longevty a problem? We belong to the lord that dwells on ocean of milk. Then,where is scarcty for milk? We owe our existence to him.Why should we beg others for anything?
C 2 bhukantapati kinkarulamu ee
bhoomulanniyunu mA sommE
paikoni chakrAyudhuDE mA dApu
bhayamu lanniTa bAsitimi
eekaDa achyutumaragu chochchitimi
ennaTikini nASamu lEdu
E koratani ika nAsa paDuchu
mEmevvariki nOLLu derichedamu ||
We are the servants of the lord of Goddess Earth. Entire land is our wealth. Vishnu who wields discus is our protector. So we got rid off all fears. As we surrendered to Vishnu there is no destruction for us.
C 3 Sree vaikunThuni dAsulamaTa yara
chEtidi mOkshamu mAkidivO
pAvana gangA janakuni banTlamu
pApamu lanniTa bAsitimi
Sree vEnkaTa pati varamuliyyagA
jikkina velutulu mAkEvi
ee vaibhavamula danisina mAkunu
itarula dagileDi dikanEdi ||
We are devotees of the lord of VaikunTham(paradise). So salvation is on our palm. We are servants of the creator of Ganga at his feet. So our sins are washed off. When Sri Venkatapati is showering boons on us, what more do we lack? When we are blessed with such splendor,do we beg from others?