by Damodara Rao Dasu

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Emani pogaDa vachchu

P Emani pogaDa vachchu neetani prabhAvamu
vEmAru O puNyulAla vinarO ee katalu ||
Oh pious devotees, listen to the great stories of Lord Venkatesa any number of times . Is it possible to know the powers of the lord.
C 1 ananta sooryatEjuDaTa kAnti cheppa nenta
danujAntakunDaTa pratApamenta
manasija guruDaTa mari chakkadanamenta
vanajaju ganina yaTTivADaTa ghanamenta ||
He has the infinite effulgence. How much his brightness is! How valint he is to annihilate a number of demons. He is father of beautiful Manmadha. How beautiful he shuld be? Brahma the creator is his son. How great he must be!
C 2 gangAjanakuDaTa kaDu cheppE puNyamenta
chengaTa bhookAntuDaTa singAramenta
rangagu lakshmeeSuDaTa rAjasamu lenchanenta
angavinchu sarvESuDaTa sampadenta ||
Ganga river that washes away our sins emanates from is holy feet. How pious he is! He is the lord of beautiful Bhudevi. How beautiful he must be! He is the lord of great Lakshmi. Is majesty lacking in him ?.He is lord of the universe. Can we imagine his wealth?.
C 3 mAyAnAdhuDaTa mahima vachinchuTenta
EeDa tA vishNuDaTa yiraventa
pAyaka Sri vEnkaTAdri patiyai varamulichchE
vEyi roopula vADaTa vistAramenta ||
He is the lord of Maya. How great are his powers! He is omni-present. Can he be limited to a particular place? He is Lord Venkatesa the unfailing bestower of boons. He manifests himself in infinite forms.