by Damodara Rao Dasu

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kannula panDugalAya

P kannula panDugalAya kaDaparAyani tEru
minnu nEla SrungAramu mitimeerinaTlu ||
Holy chariot procession of Venkateswara and Alamelumanga in Kadapa is a great feast for eyes. It is as if the earth and sky are decorated beautifully.
C 1 kadale kadalenade garuDadhwajuni tEru
podigi dEvadundubhulu mrOyaga
padivElu suryabimbamu ludayinchinaTlu
podali mEruvu vachchi poDa choopinaTlu ||
Lord Vishnu's chariot is moving along with the resounding music by divine drums. Lord is shining like thousands of Suns. It is appearing like Meru mountain in procession.
C 2 vachche nanta ninta vAsudEvuni tEru
achchuga dEvakAminulu ADipADaga
muchchaTatO garuDuDu mundaTa nilichinaTlu
mechchula merugulatO mEghamu vAlinaTlu ||
Vasudeva's chariot is moving on. Celestial nymphs are dancing and singing. It is appearing as if Garuda vahhana is in front of the chariot. The surroundings are appearing as if clouds are dazzling with lightenings.
C 3 tirige tirige nade dEvadEvOttamuni tEru
sarusa dEvatalella jaya veTTaga
virivi kaDapalOSri vEnkaTESuDu tErupai
virivAya simhAsana midE yannaTlu ||
Supreme Lord's chariot is proceeding while Devatas are greeting loudly "Victory, Victory". Srinivasa and Padmavati are sitting on throne like seats in great majesty.