by Damodara Rao Dasu

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tappulenchaka - rEvati - Adi

P tappulenchaka ika dari chErchavayyA
cheppanEla nee chittamayA ||
Oh Lord, please take me to safe destination without finding faults in me. I abide by your will.
C 1 kalidOsha haraNa karma vidAraNa
sulabhapu nee dAsulamayya
kaligina SaraNAgata vajra panjara
valanagu nee vAramayya ||
You dispel all evils of Kaliyuga. We are your humble servants. We surrender to you. You are strong like a cage made of diamonds to bestow me protection.
C 2 durita nivAraNa dukha vimOchana
dorakani nee bhaktulamayya
karirAja varada karuNAsamudra
sarininu nammina jantula mayya ||
You eradicate sins.You dispel our sorrows. We are yearning for your grace. You are the savior of Gajendra. You are ocean of compassion. We are humble beings with utmost faith in you.
C 3 SrikAnta priya Sri vEnkaTESvara
kaikonna nee kinkarulamayya
mAkEla itarapu mata dainyamulu
paikoni pOjEsi pAlincha vayya ||
You are the dear consort of Lakshmi. We are your humble devotees. Why should we follow other faiths?. Please dispel our sorrows and protect.