by Damodara Rao Dasu

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gOvindAdi - mukhAri - Adi

P gOvindAdi nAmOchchAraNa
kollalu dorikenu manakipuDu
Avalaneevala nOra gummaluga
ADudameetani pADudamu ||
We are now blessed with Lord Govinda's thousands of names to chant well. We'll sing and dance his praise sweetly.
C 1 satyamu satyamu sakala suralalO
nityuDu Srihari nirmaluDu
pratyakshamidE prANula lOpala
atyantamu SaraNanarO itani ||
It is absolutely true. Hari is eternal God among all Gods. He is unblemished. He is ever present. He is the ultimate Lord of all beings. Surrender to him.
C 2 chATeDi sakala vEdamulu
pATinchina hari paramamani
kooTastuDitaDu gOpa vadhoo pati
kOTiki eetani koluvarO janulu ||
All the Vedas proclaimed his glory. They declared his supremacy. Gopika women were fascinated by his charm. Oh people, worship him heartily.
C 3 niluchunnADataDe nEDunu neduTanu
kaligina Sri vEnkaTa vibhuDu
valasinavAriki varadunDeetaDu
kalaDu kalaDeetani kani manarO ||
Lord Venkatesa is standing right before you. Those who desire him are blessed with boons. Believe him ardently and live well.