by Damodara Rao Dasu

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akhiladEva - mEgharanjani - Adi

P akhiladEva nuta padE paradEvatE
pAlayAsu mAm paramESwari ||
Oh Parameswari, you are the Supreme transcendental Goddess. All Devatas adore your holy feet.
A.P. akhilAnDESwari Adi Sakti
sukha pradAyini agha vinASini ||
You are Akhilandeswari the ruler of the Cosmos. You are Adi Sakti the primordial energy. You are destroyer of sins and giver of happiness.
C sakala kaLAnilayE muraLeegAna priyE
guNAlayE maNimayE ||
You are the abode for all arts. Murali's music is dear to you. You are repository of virtues. You shine with gem-studded ornaments.