by Damodara Rao Dasu

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13. Sree mahA vishNum - gAyakapriya - khanDa jhumpa

P Sree mahA vishNum bhajarE mAnasa
kAmita phaladam sukhAspadam ||
Oh Mind, worship Sri Maha vishnu who fulfills desires and bestows happiness.
A.P. Sree mahAlaksheepatim dhru
vAdi bAla pAlakam
SrEyOdAyam SyAmala kAyam ||
He is Sri Mahalakshmi's consort. He protected Dhruva and other boys like Prahlada. He is bestower of prosperity. His body is blue.
C sankalpa mAtra srushTyAdi karam Sankha chakra gadA dharam muraLee
krushNAdi gAyaka priyakaram ||
He is creator of the whole universe just by his will. He took ten incarnations namely Matsyavatara etc. He wields conch, disc and mace. Murali Krishna and other good singers are dear to him.