by Damodara Rao Dasu

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gaNarAjEna - Arabhi - miSrachApu

P gaNarAjEna rakshitOham
guNijana nuta pallava padEna ||
I am protected by Ganesa the lord of Ganas who controls the elements of nature. His delicate feet are worshipped by pious people.
C aNimAdyashTa siddhi pradEna
mANikya makuTAdi dharENa
mantriNi poojita sumukhEna
mAnita guruguha vanditEna
dinakara kOTi prakASEna
vinatASrita mandArENa
manu poojita pASAnkuSEna
kAnana sthita brahmachAryENa ||
I am protected by Ganesa who bestows the eight super natural powers, who wears gem-studded crown, whose sacred face is worshipped by Goddess Mantrini, whom Guru Guha bows, who shines with the effulgence of million Suns, who is celestial Mandara tree for seekers of shelter, whose noose and goad are worshipped by King Manu and who lives in forest as bachelor.

ardhanAreeSvaram - kumudakriya - roopaka

P ardhanAreeSvaram ArAdhayAmi satatam
atri bhrugu vasistAdi munibrunda vanditam Sree ||
I pray to Lord Ardhanareesvara (united form of Siva and Parvati) always. A host of sages Atri, Bhrugu, Vasista and others bow to him.
AP ArAdhayAmAlankAra viSEsha prabhAvam
ardhanareeSvareepriya karam abhayakaram Sivam ||
At the auspicious time 'ardha yAma' the splendor of decoration is very special. He is delightful to Parvati. He frees us from all fears.
C nAgEndra maNi bhooshitam nandi turagArOhitam
Sree guruguha poojitam kumudakriya rAga nutam
AgamAdi sannutam ananta vEda ghOshitam
amarESAdi sEvitam A rakta varNa SObhitam ||
He is adorned with Nagendra the king of serpents and gems. He mounts his sacred vahana, the Nandi. Guru Guha worships him. He is praised in Kumuda priya Ragam. The holy scriptures extol his greatness. Eternal Vedas incessantly chant his glory. Indra the lord of Devatas serves him. Ardhanareesvara shines in deep red hue.

kAdambaree priya - mOhana - miSrachApu

P kAdambaree priyAya kadamba
kAnanAyai namastE namastE ||
I bow to Goddess Minakshi who is fond of Kadambari and who dwells in Kadamba forest.
AP mAdhurya vAkprada nipuNAyai
madhu kaiTabha bhanjanAyai ||
She is adept in bestowing power of sweet speech . She is destroyer of demons Madhu and Kaitabha.
C sadAchAra pravartakAyai
sannuta guruguha vaibhavAyai
vidhi tOshita sOmasundarEsvara
sammOhana karyai Sree ||
She is pleased with followers of good traditions. Guru Guha extols her splendor. Brahma makes her happy. She fascinates her consort Somasundaresvara.

pancha mAtanga - malahari - roopaka

P pancha mAtanga mukha gaNapatinA
paripAlitOham sumukhEna Sree ||
I am protected by Ganapati the lord of Ganas. He shines with five attractive faces. He is bestower of prosperity.
AP pancha bhootAtmaka prapanchOdyAdi karaNa vi
rinchi hari rudra nutEna pancha vaktra Siva sutEna ||
He is the root cause for the creation of five elements of nature and world. Brahma, Hari and Rudra adore him. He is the son of Siva who shines with five faces.
C varadAbhaya pASa SruNi kapAla danta mOdaka mud
garAksha mAlA karENa kamalApura vihArENa
puruhootAdyakhila dEva poojita vighnESvarENa
vara guruguha sOdarENa suruchira lambOdarENa
karuNAnga gouraturENa kali mala hara tarEna ||
He bestows protection. He holds noose, goad, skull, tusk, modaka sweet and rudraksha rosary. He dwells at Kamalapura. Indra and other gods worship him. Guru Guha is his brother. His pot-belly is attractive. He dispels evils of Kali age.