by Damodara Rao Dasu

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hiraNmayeem - lalita - rupakam

P hiraNmayeem lakshmeem sadA bhajAmi
heena mAnavASrayam tyajAmi ||
I always worship Lakshmi the embodiment of gold and prosperity. I reject taking shelter from mean people.
AP chiratara sampatpradam
kseerAmbudhi tanayAm
hari vakshasthalAlayAm hariNeem
charaNa kisalayAm
karakamaladhruta kuvalayAm
marakata maNi valayAm ||
She is the eternal bestower of prosperity. She is the daughter of mystical ocean of milk. Her holy abode is Sri Hari's chest and her complexion is fair. Her feet are delicate like tender leaves. She wears beautiful emerald-studded bangles and holds a blue-lotus in her hand.
C 1 svEta dweepa vAsineem Sri kamalAmbikAm parAm
bhutabhavya vilAsineem bhusura pujitAm varAm
mAtaramabja mAlineem mANikyAbharaNa dharAm
gita vAdya vinOdineem girijAm tAm indirAm
Srita kiraNa nibha vadanam Srita chintAmaNi sadanam
peetavasanAm guruguha mAtula kAntam lalitam ||
She resides on Sweta island . She is transcendental Goddess with her glory speading in the past and future. Wise priests worship her. Mother Lakshmi is adorned with lotus flowers and gem-studded ornaments. She enjoys songs and music on instruments. She is Indira. Her face is beautiful like moon. She fulfills wishes of devotees like the mystical gem Chintamani. Her dress is golden yellow. She is the charming consort Sri Maha Vishnu the maternal uncle of Guru Guha.

AnandanaTana - kEdAram - miSrachApu

P Ananda naTana prakASam chitsabhESam
ASrayAmi SivakAmavalliSam ||
I seek refuge in the lord of Sivakamavalli. He is the cosmic dancer at chitsabha, the stage of conciousness.
AP bhAnu kOTi sankASam bhukti mukti prada daharAkASam
deenajana samrakshaNa chanam divya patanjali vyAghrapAda darSita kunchitAbja charaNam ||
He has the effulgence of million Suns. He is the bestower of physical and spiritual happiness. He is infinite in the sky. He is the protector of helpless. He bestowed divine vision to sages Patanjali and Vyaghrapada by lifting his lotus-like foot.
C 1 SeetAmSu gangAdharam neelakandharam
Sri kEdArAdi ksEtrAdhAram
bhutESam SArdula charmAmbaram chidambaram
bhusura trisahasra muneesSwaram viSwESwaram nava
neetya hrudayam sadaya guruguhamAdyam vEda vEdyam
veetarAgiNa mapramEyAdwaita pratipAdyam
gitavAdya vinOda tAnDava jAta bahutara bhEda chOdyam ||
He is adorned with crescent moon and river Ganga. His neck is blue. He is the presiding lord at Kedara and other holy places. He is the lord of demi-gods of nature. His robe is tiger-skin. He is Chidambara pervading the infinite conciousness. Three thousand pious sages adore him. He is the lord of Universe. His compassionate heart is soft like butter. He is father of Guru Guha. Vedas are comprehended by him. He is free from attachments. He is independent. He is propounder of Adwaita philosophy (non-dualism). He engosses in divine music and dance. He resolves innumerable problems of devotees.

Sri kALahasteeSa - husEni - jumpa

P Sri kALahasteeSa Srita janAvana samee
rAkAra mAm pAhi rAjamouLE Ehi ||
Oh Siva the lord of Kalahasti (a spider, a serpent and an elephant worshipped Siva), you are the protector of those who seek for refuge. You took the form of air (Vayu linga). You are adorned with crescent moon. Please protect me.
AP pAkAri vidhu hari prANamaya kOSAni
lAkASa bhumi salilAgni prakASa Siva ||
You are the vital force for Indra, Brahma and Hari. You are the life in the five elements of nature namely air,sky,earth, water and fire.
C 1 jnAnaprasunAmbikApatE bhaktAbhi
mAna dakshiNa kailAsAbheeshTa
dAna chatura karAbja deena karuNAnidhE
soonaSara soodanAjnAna hara paSupatE
jnAna guruguha satchidAnanda murtE
heenajAti kirAtakEnapujita keertE ||
Oh Siva, you are the consort of Jnanaprasunamba. Your love for devotees is great. Sri Kalahasti is famous as southern Kailasa. Your lotus-like hands are skillful in fulfilling the desires of devotees. You are the repository of compassion for those in misery. You destroyed Manmadha whose arrows are flowers. You also dispelled his ignorance. You are Hara and Pasupati the lord of all beings. Guru Guha enlightened you. You are the embodiment of Sat chit ananda ( Truth, Conciousness and bliss ). You are famous for accepting the prayers of a low class tribal devotee Kannappa.

jambupatE- yamunAkaLyANi - tiSra Ekam

P jambu patE mAm pAhi ni
jAnandAmruta bOdham dEhi ||
Oh Jambupati, I beg you to enlighten me with nectar of knowledge that bestows bliss.
AP ambujAsanAdi sakala dEva namana
tumburu nuta hrudaya tApOpaSamana
ambudhi gangA kAvEree yamunA
kambu kandyakhilAnDESwaree ramaNa ||
Brahma the lotus-seated and all other Devatas bow to you. You assuage afflictions of Tumburu who worships you heartily. You are manifested in oceans and rivers Ganga, kaveri and Yamuna. You are the consort of Akhilandeswari whose neck is beautiful like conch.
C 1 parvataja prArthitApalinga vibhO
pancha bhuta maya prapancha prabhO
sarva jeeva dayAkara SambhO
sAmajATavi nilaya swayambhO
sarva karuNA sudhA sindhO
SaraNAgata vatsalArtha bandhO a
nirvachaneeya nAda bindO
nitya mouLi vidhruta gangEndO
nirvikalpaka samAdhi
nishTha Siva kalpatarO
nirviSEsha chaitanya
niranjana guruguha gurO ||
Oh Lord Siva, you are pleased with the prayer of Parvati the daughter of Hima mountains and appeared in the form of water-linga. You are the lord of the world made of the five fundamental elements of nature. You shower mercy on all beings. You manifested on your own accord in a forest inhabited by elephants. You are ocean of mercy. You are the prop for those who seek for shelter. You are indescribable center for divine 'Omkara Nadam'. You are adorned with Ganga and Moon. O Siva, you meditate in absolute tranquility, free from all aberations. You fulfill desires like the celestial Kalpaka tree. You are the source of dynamism and you are absolutely serene. You are the Guru of Guha.