by Damodara Rao Dasu

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neelOtpalAmbikAyai - kEdAragowLa - Adi

P neelOtpalAmbikAyai namastE
jagadambikAyai ||
I bow to Sri NeelotpalAmbikA the Mother of the Universe.
A.P. moolAdhAra kshEtra sthitAyai
muchukunda vara pradAyai
moola mantrAtmikAyai
moolAjNAnahara guruguha varadAyai ||
She dwells in mystical "moolAdhAra chakra". She blessed devotee Muchkunda with boons. She is the soul of all primordial 'Mantras'. She eradicates basic ignorance. She blesses Guru Guha affectionately with boons.
C kAma sanjeevinyAyai
kamala vAsini sEvitAyai
kali kalmasha nAsinyAyai
karuNAmruta rasa pravAhinyAyai
kAmESvara mOhita koulinyAyai
kAmatantra vitaraNa naLinyAyai
kamalESa poojita trikONAyai
kAmitArdha prada nipuNAyai ||
She restored life to Manmadha. Lakshmi worships her. She is destroyer of evils of Kaliyuga. Her mercy flows like stream. She is Koulini who enchants Eswara. She is adept in showering the knowledge of happiness in conjugal love. Maha Vishnu worships her in mystic diagram 'trikona'. She bestows boons intelligently.