by Damodara Rao Dasu

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neelOtpalAmbikAyAh - gowLa - rupaka

P neelOtpalAmbikAyAh
param nahi rErE chitta ||
Oh mind, no other deity is superior to Goddess Neelotpalambika.
A.P. sAlOkAdi muktidAyinyAh
surapati guruguha sannuta charaNyAh
neelaratnamaNi bhooshiNyAh
niranjanyAh ||
She bestows salvation in this birth itself. Indra and Guru Guha worship her holy feet. She is adorned with blue sapphire. She is absolutely serene.
C sthoola sookshma kAraNa roopiNyAh
bAlachandra sEvita varadAyinyAh
kailAsa vilasita kula kouLa
mArga yOginyAh ||
She manifests in all the three forms namely gross, subtle and casual. The moon worships her. She is in all splendour at Kailasa. She is Supreme Yogini adept in Kula and Koula paths of Yoga.