by Damodara Rao Dasu

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paramESvara - nATa - Adi

P paramESvara jagadeeSvara
Sankara pAhimAm praNatArtihara Sri ||
Oh Sankara, you are the supreme lord of the world. You dispel the sufferings of those who surrender to you. Please protect me.
A.P. purahara mrugadhara sundarESvara
dharmasamvardhanee manOhara ||
He is destroyer of demon Tripura. He holds a deer. He is handsome Sundaresa who captivated the heart of Dharmasamvardhani.
C panchanadeeSvara gangAdharESvara
pannagAbharaNa bhakta janAvana
pancha brahma hatyAdi pApa hara
para Siva tatvArdha bOdhita chatura
panchanada kshEtra prabhAkara
pAlita guruguha bhavabhaya hara
veera kshEtra pAlanuta charaNa
vichitra yama bhayAdi nivAraNa ||
He is the presiding lord at Panchanadi. He has Ganga on his head.Serpents are his ornaments. He is protector of devotees. He redeems sinners from all the five kinds of sins including killing of a Brahmana.. He preaches the supreme philosophy of Siva skillfully. He glorified Panchanadi kshetra. He protects Guru Guha. He eradicates worldly fears. Heroic Kshetrapala worshipped his sacred feet. He dispels the fear of death and other worldly fears.