by Damodara Rao Dasu

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nAgalingam - SankarAbharaNam - roopaka

P nAgalingam bhajEham
anAdi lingam bhajEham Sri||
I worship the eternal Siva in the form of Nagalingam.
A.P. nAgavallee prasangam nagajArdhAngam nandi turangam
Agama SAstra purANa prasangam
avidyA bhangam ati dhavaLAngam ||
He is dear to Nagavalli. Parvati the daughter of Himalayas remains as half of his body known as Ardhanareeswara. Nandi bull is his Vahana. Vedas and scriptures are very dear to him. He dispels ignorance. His complexion is white.
C sthoola sookshma karaNAtmalingam
sukha pradAyaka sundara lingam
moola bhoota maprAkruta lingam
munigaNashTa nAgArchita lingam
neelakanTha guru guhAntarangam
nitya Suddhakara vidhruta kurangam
kAlaharam SirO vidhruta gangam
karuNApAngam vijitAnangam ||
He is the root cause of gross and subtle forms of creation. He bestows happiness. He is very handsome. He is the embodiment of five basic elements of nature. Many sages and eight divine serpents worship him. He dwells in Guha's heart. He is unblemished. He humbled Yama the god for death. He adorns Ganga on head. He is full of compassion. He conquered Manmadha the God for love and fascination.