by Damodara Rao Dasu

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nanda nandanam nija - yadukula kAmbhOji - Adi

AyAntam rAjamArgENa madhurApura yOshitaha
AScharya roopa sampanna mAScharyam sabalam jaguhu||

Sri Krishna and Balarama were majestically going on the King's way of Madhura. Curious women were watching them from their buildings in wonder and joy. They felt that Krishna is treasure of beauty. Then they sang his glory.

P nanda nandanam nijabhakta chandanamAkalaya || Oh friends, watch Nanda's son who is wish-fulfilling celestial sandalwood tree for devotees.
C1,2 nandAdi muneendra bhAvyAnanda mALi kalaya||
sundarAnana chandra Sree mandiramAkalaya||
Nanda and other sages meditate upon Krishna the embodiment of Supreme bliss.
Observe the beautiful moon-like face of Krishna.
C3,4 SrungAra rasapravAha SreenidhimAkalaya||
bhrubhanga kaTAksha lakshya bhoorikaruNamAkalaya ||
He is the essence of beauty and love. He is treasure trove. Watch his glances that shower compassion abundantly.
C5,6 sarva lAvaNya taTinee sAgara mAkalaya||
kalabhasundara gamana kalita lalita mAkalaya|| ||
Please look at Krishna the ocean of beauty.
Watch his majestic gait resembling elephant's gentle walk.
C7,8 parijana rakshaNa baddha parikara mAkalaya||
vijaya gOpAla matula vikhyAta mAkalaya||
Look at Krishna who protects his men.
He is victorious Gopala whose glory is unparalleled.
C9to11 balabhadra bhadrada bAhubandha mihAkalaya||
madhurA mAnineejana manasija mAkalaya||
Siva nArAyaNateerdha sEvya divyapada mAkalaya||
See how he walks holding Balarama's hand.
Krishna is like Manmadha for Gopikas.
Siva Narayana teerdha worships Krishna's sacred feet. Look at him.