by Damodara Rao Dasu

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ati nirupama - pantuvarALi - Adi

P ati nirupama sundarAkAra
ati nirupama sundarAkAra nichaya kumudahita
neelamEgha SyAma Sareera ||
Oh Sri Krishna, you are unparalleled personification of beauty. You are beautiful like moon. You are blue like dark clouds.
A.P. suruchira navaratna kOTi tulasee vanamAlikAdi
sundaratara mamavihAri suramunigaNa manasanchAree ||
You are adorned with nine most precious gems and many garlands of sacred Tulasi leaves and other fragrant flowers.
C rAdhikA kusuma nandinee valita rAjNi rajita ramaNee manOhari
chAruNi champaka vallee mallikA sarasi
suruchi nava vraja yuvatee jana
rAsa kaLEbara manDala chitrAnaka naka
maNigaNa jvalita vichitrA
bhOgasama naTana pulaka sugAtra bhuvana
sakala sthita bhusura mitra ||
Young Gopikas of Vrajabhumi are charming with their captivating beauty. They decorated themselves with colorful and fragrant flowers. They danced joyously moving in circles. Their gem studded ornaments glittered. Divine 'Rasaleela' enthralled the young Gopikas. Their gestures were attractive and their ornaments were shining. Sri Krishna, their mesmarising lord is all-pervading. He is friendly to the learned.