by Damodara Rao Dasu

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santatam aham - dESAkshi - Adi

1st navAvaraNa kruti :

P santatam aham sEvE Sree
trilOkya mOhana chakra nilayE||
sarvasiddhi samooha sEvitE sakalAgama nute lOka bhAvitE ||
I always worship Goddess Kamakashi presiding over "Trilokya mohana chakra".
She is worshipped by all Vedas and Siddhas. People meditate on her.
A.P. chintAmaNi Sreepura madhyE
uttunga SObhita vEdikE
bindu chakra nilayE karuNAlayE ||
brahmAdi pramukha sammAnita
mahaneeya marakata mAlikE ||
She is celestial "Chintamani" at the center of Sripura on radiant pedastal. She dwells in "Bindu Chakra". She is personification of compassion.
Brahma and other Devatas adore her.She is adorned with emerald necklaces.
C brAhmee mahESwaryAdyashTa
dEvee samooha khElita pradhama
prAkArE vEda sArE
samksObhinee vidrAviNyAdi
daSamudrA gaNa sannutE
ramya tripurAdi chakrESvari
rAjarAjESvari Siva kAmESvari ||
lambamana sadAstikA ratna
mAlini prakaTa yOgini ||
She is Supreme Self. She is sportful with other eight deities. She is in the first circle. She is the quintessence of Vedas. Dasamudras give relief from all calamities. She is presiding queen of "Tripura" and other Chakras. She is Raja Rajeswari. She is Siva Kamesvari.
Gem studded necklaces dangle on her neck beautifully. She is Supreme Yogini.