by Damodara Rao Dasu

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4. vAnchita varadE - madhyamAvati - Adi

P vAnchita varadE para dEvatE
tvAm bhava mAmudE SAradE ||
Oh Supreme Goddess Sarada, You are bestower of desired boons. You are the cause of my happiness.
A.P. kAnchee nagara vibhooshaNa mAlikE
kAmAkshi himaSaila subAlikE ||
You are like garland of ornaments for Kancheepuram. Oh Kamakshi, you are noble daughter of Himalayas.
C mookAkruta vAkpradAyinee
mOdAjNAna bhanjani
EkAmrESa vAma bhAgasthE
ikshu chApa hastE kooTAsthE namasthE ||
You bestowed voice to dumb Mooka. You eradicated ignorance. You shared the left side of Ekamresvara's body. You wield Sugarcane bow. You rule royal court. I bow to you.