by Damodara Rao Dasu

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gaNAdhipati - suraTi - Adi

P gaNAdhipati meeLEham Sree gaNapati meeLE || I invoke lord Ganapati the chief of all 'Ganas' (demi-gods).
A.P. guNagaNa phaNAgaNitamaham Sree || His virtues are innumerable.
C 1 vAgeeSAdyAssumana sOnaSam sarvArdhA
nAmupakramEyam natvA krutakrutyAssyustam ||
Brahma and other deities start their work invoking him to achieve their object successfully.
C 2 SuklAmbaradhara managham vishNum SaSidhara varNam
chaturbhujam prasannavadanam bhanjita madanam ||
His apparel is pure white. He is unblemished. He is bright like moon. He has four hands. His face is serene. He dispels arrogance.
C 3 yam brahmaNyA vadanti paramanchAnyE
viSvOtpatti kAraNam tam dAsu SreerAma pOshakam ||
Learned Brahmanas declared him as transcendental god. He is adored as root cause of creation. He is protector of poet Dasu Sreeramulu.