by Damodara Rao Dasu

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rAma rAma pAhi - dEvagAndhAri - roopaka

P rAma rAma pAhi vArivAha SyAma|| Oh Lord Rama, you are blue like cloud . Please protect me.
A.P. bhoomi bhara kadanahara hE
bOdhakara rAghava||
You destroyed the evil burden on earth. Oh Raghava, You are great preceptor.
C 1 madana vimata vara kArmuka
vidaLana viSruti bhoo
rida bhArgava garva Samana
sadayAnandita lOka ||
You broke the invincible bow of Lord Siva the conquerer of Manmadha. You are magnanimous. You dispelled Parasurama's ego. You made the world happy and blissful.
C 2 kanaka hariNa roopa samA
gata mAreecha vibhan
janadayitA harE rAvaNa
ghana vAtAnupamEya ||
You destroyed demon Mareecha who came in the form of golden deer. You are like powerful wind while destroying demon Ravana.
C 3 suryatanaya pavanAtmaja
SObhita pArSwa jagannuta
veerya nilaya padmanAbha
vEda vEdya santatam ||
Sugriva the son of the Sun and Anjaneya the son of wind-god appear great by your side. You are embodiment of Vedas. You are Lord Padamanabha, compehended by the Vedas.