by Damodara Rao Dasu

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pAhi jagajjanani-hamsAnandi-Adi

P pAhi jagajjanani pAhimAm
karuNAya pankEruha nayanE ||
O Mother of the Universe, your lotus-like eyes are full of compassion. Please protect me.
AP vAhinidhava sutE vitara kuSalamayi
dEhi tAvaka sEvam mOhana dhAmE rAmE ||
You are the daughter of milk- ocean. You are bestower of happiness. I beg to serve you. You are the abode of beauty.
C 1 Sarad himakara samaruchi suvadanE
maNimaya bhushaNa rAjitE
nArada Saunaka goutama kumbhaja
kouSika muni sannutE
sArasa pada nata ghana sukha dAyini
kAnchanasama taru rAjitE
tarasAmAmava krupayA janani
parimaLa pushpa suvAsitE
dviradArpita kamalE vidhruta kamalE
vigata SAmalE guNa SeelE ||
Your beautiful face is like the moon in Saradrutu (autumn). Your gem-studded ornaments shine well . Sages Narada,Saunaka, Goutama, Agastya and Viswamitra adore you. You bestow immense joy to those who bow to your lotus feet. Your body shines like gold. O Mother, please don't hesitate to protect me. Pleasant perfume of flowers emanates from you. Your beauty excels that of full-bloomed lotus flower. You are Syamala the repository of virtues.
C 2 kOmala hAsa vilAsini mAmava
bAlaniSa ramaNAlikE
sAmaja pungava chAru sugAmini
vasana vinindita hATakE
mamahrudi parilasa dina manu parihruta
SAtvata samudAya pAtakE
hEma ghaTOpama chAru kuchAmbuja
nirupama vilasita mAlikE
kAmajanani kamalE hari vilOlE
ruchira SeelE nataSAlE ||
Your gentle smile is delightful.Please protect me. Your tresses are beautiful on your crescent like forehead. Your majestic gait is like the walk of elephant king. Your dress humbles the lustre of gold. Your bosom resembles gold pots. You annihilate our countless sins. You look beautiful with garlands. You are the mother of Manmadha. You delight your consort Sri Hari. Your character is excellent.
C 3 nirupama sundari bhakta janAmala
kalpaka vallari ambikE
suguNa mouLi virAjita pada yugaLE
bhuvana traya vara nAyikE
virachaya Subhamayi tila sumamadhara
mOhanatara nija nAsikE
neerajanAbha su vallabhE nutana
neerada kAnti samAlakE
sArasa kruta nilayE parama sadayE
vidhruta valayE muni gEyE ||
You are unparalled beauty and unblemished Ambika.You are like the divine wish-fulfilling Parijata tree to devotees. Shining crowns of bowing kings reflect on your feet. You are the best ruler of the three lokas. You are ever auspicious. Your nose and lips are beautiful like sesame flowers. Lord Padmanabha is your consort. Your beautiful hair shines like water-bearing clouds. You dwell on lotus and you are adorned with bangles. The sages sing of your glory.

mAmava sadA janani-kAnaDa- rupaka

P mAmava sadA jananee mahishAsura soodani || O Mother Parvati the destroyer of demon Mahishasura. Please protect me.
AP sOma bimba manOhara sumukhi sEvakAkhila
kAmadAna nirata kaTAksha vilAsini ||
Your moon-like face captivates our hearts. You pleasantly fulfill the desires of your devotees, just by your compassionate glances.
C 1 pura vimata vadana pankEruha madhupE
nArada mukha mouni nikara gEya charitE
saraseeruhAsanAdi sura samudAya maNi
mouLi virAjita charaNAmbuja yugaLE ||
You are like honey bee humming and hovering around lotus like Siva's face. Narada sings of your glory. Brahma and other gods bow to you spreading the light of their gem-studded crowns on your feet.
C 2 kanaka bhAsura divya kalApa rAjita gAtri
vanaruha daLa tOpa vibhanjana ruchi nEtri
muni gaNa sammOhana mAnaneeya mrudu hAsE
vinatajana kalpaka vallari giri sutE ||
Your body radiates divine effulgence. Your beauty humbles the beauty of lotus petals. Your gentle smile mesmerises even the sages. You are the daughter of the Himalayas. You fulfill the wishes of devotees like the divine Parijata tree.
C 3 KurumE kuSalam sadA kamalanAbhAnujE
niravadhi bhava khEda nivAraNa niratE
chAru nutana ghana sadruSa rAjita vENi
dAruNa danujAli dAraNa paTu charitE ||
You are Sri Maha Vishnu's dear sister. Please bless me with perpetual happiness. You are the dispeller of worldly afflictions. Your beautiful hair resembles dark clouds. Your glory in annihilating the treacherous demons is incomparable.

gOpAlaka pAhimAm-bhupAlam-mishra chApu


P gOpAlaka pAhimAmaniSam tava pada ratamayi || I beg you for perpetual devotion to your lotus feet.
AP pApavimOchana pavidharAdhi nata pada pallava || Indra and other kings prostrate at your feet. You dispel our sins.
C 1 sAdhu kadhita mrudaSana sarOsha bheeta mAtru veekshita
bhudhara jalanidhi mukha bahu vidha
bhuvana jAla lalita mukhAmbuja ||
It is said that you swallowed mud but to the amazement of your mother Yasoda, you exhibited all the lokas, oceans and the whole creation in your lotus-like mouth.
C 2 sArasa bhava madahara
sateerdhya dina bhusurArpita
pArarahita dhana chaya nirupama
patagarAja ratha kamalAvara ||
You eradicated the pride of Brahma. You bestowed limitless wealth to your poor brahmin classmate Kuchela. Garuda the king of birds is your magnificient vehicle. You are the beloved lord of Srilakshmi.
C 3 sArasa rasa suvachana sarOjanAbha lOkanAyaka
bhurikaruNa tanu jita manasija
bhujagarAja Saya mura SAsana ||
Your good speech is nectarine. Your navel is lotus-like. You are the lord of all Lokas. Your compassion is abundant. You excel Manmadha in beauty. You recline on king of serpents Adisesha.

krupayA pAlaya-chArukEsi-mishra chApu

P krupayA pAlaya SaurE karuNArasa vAsa
kalushArti pAhi virAma SaurE||
O lord Sauri(Hari), please protect me. You are the embodiment of compassion. You annihilate all evils and afflictions.
AP tapaniya nibha chEla tuhinAmSu vadana
Sri padmanAbha sarasija lOchana ||
O Padmanabha, your costume shines like gold. Your beautiful face is like cool moon. Your eyes are like beautiful lotus flower.
C 1 amara nikara chAru hEma mouLi rAjita
tAmarasa ghana mada dAraNa chana pAda
vimala bhakti lOlupa sama sEvakAkhila
kAmadAna nirata kamaniya tArApAnga ||
His feet shine lustrously by the golden crowns of bowing Devatas. They mock at the beauty of lotus. He is delighted by pure devotion. He always fulfills desires of devotees. His looks are graceful.
C 2 kunda dyuti lasita mandahAsa ruchi
nandita nutipara vrundAraka sanchaya
vandAru samudAya mandAra paramAra
vinda sAyaka sama sundarAnga bhAsita ||
His gentle smile is like the brightness of jasmine flowers. Hosts of Devatas are blessed with happiness by his grace. He is like celestial Mandara tree that fulfills wishes. He shines like Manmadha in beauty.
C 3 kuru mE kuSalam muda kuruvinda muda danta
nirupama samsAra neeradhi varapOta
nArada mukha muni nikara gEya charita
vAraya mamAkhila pApajAlam bhagavan ||
O God, please bestow me happiness. Your teeth shine like jasmine buds. You are like incomparable ship to help us cross the ocean of worldly problems. Sage Narada sings of your glory. Please emancipate me from my countless sins.