by Damodara Rao Dasu

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dEvi nannu - kaLyANI - jumpa

P dEvi nannu brOvavammA ipu
DE manchi samayamammA ||
Oh Devi,O Mother, please protect me now. This is the best time.
AP sEvinchi ninnE sadA nammitini || I've been worshipping you with implicit faith in you only.
C 1 anAdha rakshaki birAna brOvumu
talli ASritajana pAlini bhavAni dEvi lOka janani ||
You are the savior of desolate. Oh Mother, you are protector of those who seek refuge. O Bhavani, you are the mother of all lokas.
C 2 parAkusEyaku varAlosagumu
talli pAmarajana pAlini mruDAni dEvi trilOka pAlini ||
Please don't be indifferent. O Mother bestow me boons. You are the protector of innocent.O Devi, you are the sovereign queen of three worlds.
C 3 kumAra janani kaTAksha sEyumu
talli SyAmakrishNa pAlini purANi dEvi bruhadambA ||
You are mother of Kumaraswami. Please shower compassionate glances on me. You protect Syama Krishna. O Devi Bruhadamba, you are primordial.

dEvee nee pada sArasa - kAmbhOji - Adi

P dEvee nee pada sArasamulE
dikku vErE gati evarammA||
O Devi, I take shelter at your lotus feet only. Who else is there for me?
AP Sree velayu madhura nelakonna
chidroopiNi Sree meenAkshamma ||
Oh Mother Meenakshi with fish-shaped eyes, You established yourself at Madhura as bestower of prosperity. You are the manifestation of Supreme conciousness.
C 1 anAdha rakshaki yanETi birudu nee
kanAdi gadA lO
ka nAyaki dharalO krupAnidhi nee
kanna evarammA mAyammA
kannAku latAla vitree nApai
kaTAkshinchavE vEgamE
chinna vetalu neevu deerchi nannu ra
rakshinchuTa kidi samayamammA ||
You are renowned with the title of 'Savior of distressed'. You are supreme ruler of all Lokas. You are repository of mercy. O Mother, who is greater than you? Please bless me with your benevolent glances immediately. This is the right time to solve my simple problems and protect.
C 2 kadamba kAnana mayoori neevE
kadamba Sankaree chan
dA dAnava mada khanDita
mruDAnee SukapANee kaLyaNee
sadA nee dhyAnau sEyuvAriki
gadA sAmrAjyamu
chidAnanda roopuDaiyunna Sree
sadA Sivuni rANee madhura vANee ||
You are beautiful like peacock in Kadamba forest. Oh Sankari, you destroyed the arrogance of demons. You hold a bird. You are auspicious. Those who always meditate upon you are blessed with kingdom of happiness.
C 3 umA ramA SyAmakrishNa
nuta giri kumAree nee
samAnamevaru brOva neeku bhA
ramA jagatsAkshi meenAkshi
tAmasamu jEsitE neekidi nyA
yamA inta jAgElanE
vEmAru nee pAda darSanamu labhinchi
nee mATalu vinaga vachchitinammA ||
Oh Mother Uma, Syamakrishna worships you. You are daughter of Himalayas. Who is equal to you in protecting devotees ? Oh Meenakshi, you are the Supreme witness of the universe. Is it fair on your part to delay? I am fortunate to visualise your sacred feet in my mind. Oh Mother, I've come eagerly to hear your sweet talk.

himAchala - Anandabhairavi - Adi

P himAchala tanaya brOchuTaki
di manchi samayamu rAvE ambA ||
O Mother Amba the daughter of Himalayas, this is the best time for you to come to my rescue.
AP kumAra janani samAnamevarila
nu mAnavati Sree bruhannAyaki ||
O Mother of Kumaraswami, O Bruhannayaki, you are the most revered Goddess with no equal in the world.
C 1 sarOjamukhi birAna neevu
varAlosagumani nEnu vEDiti
purAri hari surEndranuta
purANi parA mukha mElanE talli ||
Your face is beautiful like lotus. I earnestly implored you to bestow boons soon. You are adored by Siva, Hari and Indra. O Mother, you are ancient. Why are you so indifferent?
C 2 umA hamsa gamA tAma
samA brOva dikkevaru nikkamuga
nu mAkipuDabhimAnamu choopu
bhAramA vinumA daya tOnu ||
O Mother Uma, Your gait is like swan's gait. Why are you hesitating to protect me? Who else should I approach? Is it so difficult for you to shower grace? Please show me compassion.
C 3 sadA nata vara dAyaki ni
ja dAsuDanu SyAmakrishNa sOdari
gadA mora vinavA durita
vidAriNi Sree bruhannAyaki ||
O Sree Bruhannayaki,You always bestow boons to your devotees. You are Syamakrishna's sister. Won't you listen to my implorations ? You are obliterator of sins.

janani - sAvEri - Adi

P janani nata jana pari pAlini
pAhimAm bhavAni trilOka ||
Oh Bhavani the mother of three Lokas, you protect those who worship you. Please protect me.
AP danuja vairi nutE sakala jana pari
tApa pApa hAriNi jayaSAlini ||
She is adored by Hari the enemy of demons. She is the obliterator of sins and afflictions of all people. She is ever victorious.
C 1 satata vinuta gaNapati
sEnAni rAja rAjESwari vi
sAlAksha taruNi akhilajana pAvani
sati Subha charitE sadA madhura bhAshA
vigaLadAmruta rasa dhvani
suranuta padayuga darSita iha mama
gAtra mati mAtramajanani sujani ||
Her sons Ganapati and Kumaraswami always worship her. She is young and beautiful Raja Rajeswai with large eyes. She sanctifies the world. She is pious with auspicious glory. Her speech is nectar-like. The celestials worship her. Oh Mother, my body is purified and my mind is elevated by visualising your sacred feet.
C 2 kuvalaya lOchana yugaLE kaLyANi neelavENi vicacha
kOkanada rAja charaNE atiramaNi ghana neelavENi
bhuvi divi rakshaNi dhrutAmara gaNE bhAgyavati Sakti sampurNE
kavana nipuNa matim ayi diSa iha tava
kAntimupayAtum gireeSa ramaNi ||
She is Kalyani the auspicious one. Her eyes are beautiful like lotus petals. Her tresses are black like dark clouds. Her feet are tender like red lotus. She is the savior of earth and heaven, She is prop for celestials. She is fortune personified. She is embodiment of infinite powers.Oh beautiful daughter of the king of Himalayas, please bestow me capacity to comprehend your shining glory.
C 3 charaNa nipatamara samudAyE kALi sArasamukha su
SObhitOruyugaLa vara kadaLi navasArasa mukhi
suruchira muraLee mrudanga svara samSObhini rasa kruta maheetalE
sarasija karayugaLE kaTikalita maNi
kAnchee bhrutE kAncheepura vAsinee ||
She is Kali. All Devatas prostrate before her. She shines like fresh blossoming lotus. Her limbs are glossy like trunk of banana tree. She engrosses in melodious music on flute and drum. She is essence of emotions and expressions. She holds lotus flowers. Her slender waist is bedecked with gem-studded gold band. She resides in Kancheepura.