by Damodara Rao Dasu

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mari vEre gati - mAlavi - Adi -

P mari vEre gati mahilOna ninu vinA amba || Oh Amba, who else is there for me on this earth other than you .
AP karirAjuni karuNinchi brOchina karuNAnidhi sOdari gadA || Are't you the sister of Maha Vishnu who rescued Gajendra the elephant king?
C duritApahara bhava taraNE hari vAgeeSAdi vinuta charaNE
pari keertita navaSaktyAvaraNE giri tanaya Ananda smaraNE ||
You dispel sins. You enable us cross the worldly ocean. Sri Hari, Brahma and other gods adore your holy feet. Your glory is applauded by all. You are daughter of Himavanta. You are adored as 'Sakti' reigning the nine zones of Sri Chakra. If we think of you, you bless us eternal bliss.

nAkabhaya vara - nATakuranji - rupakam

P nAkabhaya varamosagi nannu brOvavE amba || Oh Mother Amba, please bestow me the boon of fearlessness and protect me.
AP pAkASanAdi vinuta pAvanee rAkA SaSi nibha vadanE rAjeeva lOchanE || Indra and other Devatas worship you. You are the most pious. Your face shines like fullmoon. Your eyes are beautiful like lotus flower.
C rAga tALa rasa bhAva rakti bhakti poorita nAda roopa sundari nee
kadhalanu vini vini nAga Sayana sOdari ninnE SaraNanTi ||
Oh Amba, you are embodiment of 'raga',rhythm,emotion, substance, melody and devotion. You are 'Nada' the primordial sound personified. Oh Amba, you are sister of Maha Vishnu. Hearing your glorious legends again and again I surrendered to you.

nee charaNAmbujamunu - keeravANi - Adi

P nee charaNAmbujamunu nera nammiti neerajAkshi || Oh Mother Parvati, I've absolute faith in your lotus feet. Your eyes are beautiful like lotus flower.
AP Sri dharajA ramaNa sOdari Srita janArti bhanjani niranjani || She is sister of Maha Vishnu. She dispels afflictions of those who seek for refuge. She is devoid of passion.
C Sri nagarAlaya nivAsini Srikari gouri SaSAnka vadani
Sri purAri rANi keeravANi Sri ramA vinuta Suka pANi ||
She dwells in Srinagara. She is Gouri the bestower of prosperity. Her face is beautiful like moon. She is the queen of Siva the destroyer of demon Pura. Her voice is sweet like parrot's. Lakshmi adores Parvati who holds a parrot in her hand. ||

nee pAdamE gati - naLinakAnti - Adi

P nee pAdamE gati naLina kAntimati || Oh Mother Parvati, I take shelter at your holy feet only. You are bright like lotus flower.
AP bhoopAla sOdari bhuvana traya vaSankaree || You are sister of Maha Vishnu the sustainer of the universe. All the three Lokas are under your control.
C nA pApamu pOgoTTi nannElukO talli
Sri pArvati Sankaree chidAnanda Sriyam dEhi ||
Oh my Mother, please dispel my sins and protect me. Oh Parvati the consort of Siva, please bestow me the wealth of eternal bliss.