by Damodara Rao Dasu

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vandanamu - Sahana - roopakam

In this song Tyagaraja implores Rama to dwell in his heart always. He tries to convince in many ways. He praises, invites and surrenders as a true devotee.

P vandanamu raghu nandanA sEtu bandhanA bhakta chandanA rAma|| Salutations to Raghunandana the builder of the bridge on the sea, the favourite of devotees.
C Sree damA nAtO vAdamA nE bhEdamA idi mOdamA rAma || Why debate, why indifference, is this happy to you Rama?
C Sree ramA hrutchAramA brOva bhAramA rAya bAramA rAma || Oh, beloved of Sri Ramaa, is it a burden for you to save me?
Why so much debate?
C vinTini nammu konTini Sara NanTini rammanTini rAma || I heard of you, surrendered to you and invited you, oh Rama.
C ODanu bhakti veeDa norula vEDanu rAma || I will not be defeated in my attempt. I'll not leave devotion to you. I'll not seek others' help. I am yours, Oh Rama.
C kammani viDemimmani varamu kommani paluka rammani rAma || You ask me for tasty betel leaves, you offer me boons and you call me to talk to you, Oh Rama.
C nyAyamA nee kAdAyamA inka hEyamA muni gEyamA || Is it reasonable? Is it beneficial to you?
Do you hate me, Oh Rama? All the sages sing your praise.
C chooDumee kApADumee mammu pODimigA gooDumee rAma || See me, save me, be with us, Oh Rama.
C kshEmamu divya dhAmamu nitya nEmamu rAma nAmamu rAma || Safe is your heavenly abode, your name is perpetually on my lips, Oh Rama.
C vEgarA karuNA sAgarA Sree tyAgarAja hrudayAgAra rAma || Come quickly, Oh Rama, the ocean of kindness.
You dwell in the heart of Tyagaraja.

veDalenu - tOdi - roopakam

In this kruti Tyagaraja describes the scene of the departure of Rama and Lakshmana with the sage Viswamitra to protect yagas (austerities) performed by the sages.

P veDa lenu kOdanDa pANi anuja soumitri tO gooDi || Kodandapani (Rama with bow in his hand) started off along with his brother Soumitri.
AP puDami janu lella pogaDa poojitu Dai muni tO || While the entire public was praising, they followed the revered sage (Viswamitra).
C siramuna konDiyu jAraga
yuramuna hAramulu meraya
karamuna Sara chApamulunu ghanamuga meraya
suru chira vAdyamulu mrOya
sura lellaru stutini sEya
vara tyAgarAja nutuDu
vasudha bhAramella deerpa ||
Knot of hair on his head was attractive. The garlands on his chest were shining.
He was looking magnificient with bow and arrows in quiver.
The atmosphere was filled with melodious music of instruments.
The celestial beings were chanting his praise.
He started off to redeem the suffering of his subjects.

vADE rA daivamu - pantu varALi - Adi

In this kruti, Tyagaraja praises Rama for His unfailing reputation in standing for truth. He explains the greatness of His name Taraka Rama, which is preached by Sadasiva as Tarakamantram (hymn for salvation).

P vADErA daivamun manasa || Only He is the supreme God, oh my mind.
AP ADina mATalu tappa Danuchunu
AchandrArkamuga keerthi kaligina ||
His reputation for keeping His word without fail is as eternal as the sun and the moon.
C danDi rakkasula mada maNachanu A
khanDa lAdi sura kOTulanu bhoo
manDala sujanula bAlimpanu kO
danDa pANi roopamu tO velasina ||
He fought with the demons, destroyed their arrogance and protected countless celestial beings (devatas). He is known as Kondandapani (bow in hand) and protected all the righteous men in this world. ||
C dAri teliya lEni ajnulaku bhava
neeradhi dATi mOksha monduTaku
neerajAri dharu dupadESinche
tAraka nAmamu tOnu velasina ||
Rama is also known as Taraka Rama and Siva preaches Taraka Mantram (incantation to attain salvation) to the ignorant and helpless to cross the ocean of difficulties to attain moksha (salvation). ||
C dhAtru vinutuDaina tyAga rAjuni
chEti pooja landi bAguga pra
dyOta nAnvaya munanu janinchi
seetA pati yani pEru kalgina||
Rama is born in the solar dynasty and is worshipped by Brahma. He is known as Sitapati (Sitas husband) and is worshipped by Tyagaraja. ||

vinAyakuni valenu brOva - madhyamAvati - Adi

In this kruti, Tyagaraja requests Mother Kamakshi to protect him as she would protect her beloved son Vinayaka. He says that on the appeal of Brahma, the creator, Adi Sakti appeared on the earth as Kamakshi in satvika roopam (gentle form).

P vinAya kuni valenu brOvavE ninu
vinA vElpu leva ramma ||
Oh Mother, protect me as you would protect your son Vinayaka. Is there any other Goddess like you?
AP anAdha rakshaki Sree kAmAkshi suja
nAgha mOchani Sankari janani ||
You are the savior of hapless. You are Kamakshi the consort of Sankara that dispels the sins of good people.
C narAdhamu lakunu varA losaga nun
Da rAmulai bhoo surAdhi dEva
talu rAyiDini chenda rAdu daya joo
Da rAdA kAnchee purAdhi nAyaki ||
let not Bhoosuras (priests) and devotees suffer. Why don't you show mercy on them, Oh Goddess of Kancheepuram?
C pitAmahuDu jana hitArdhamai ni
nnu tA deliya vEDa tALimi gala ya
vatAra metti ikanu tAmasamu sE
ya tALa jAlanu natArti hAriNi ||
When Brahma the creator appealed to you to incarnate on this earth for the welfare of mankind, you graced yourself in satvika avataram (gentle appearance).
Oh Mother, you are known for dispelling the grief of your devotees.
We cannot bear further delay.
C purANi daya chE girAlu mookani
ki rA jEsi brOchu rAja dhari tyA
ga rAjuni hrudaya sarOjamE lE
rAma sOdari parA Sakti nanu ||
You are legendary. You bestowed voice to a dumb poet.
Oh Queen, kindly protect us, granting boons.
You are the esteemed sister of Lord Vishnu, you are the supreme power.
You are the lotus of Tyagarajas heart.

vArija nayana - kEdAra gowLa - Adi

In this kruti Tyagaraja affectionately says that Rama belongs to him only.He adds that he will not seek protection from any other god whatever others feel about him.

P vArija nayana nee vADanu varamunanu brOvu || Oh my Lord,your eyes resemble a lotus. I belong to you, you always protect me.
AP svalpa phaladulagu vElpulu Echina alpuDanuchu nannandaru balkina || All others may think that I am an insignificant person because I do not pray other Gods even for trivial benefits.
C sarivAralu ee bAdhalO navvina pari pari vidhamula bAdhalu peTTina || My peers around me may lough at me and may subject me to hardship in many ways.
C kashTamu rAni ishTamu rAni dushTuDanuchu nanu doorina gAni || I may have to encounter troubles.
I may be appreaciated or I may be abused as a wicked one.
C pApula nApai mOpina nEramu SrIpati neepAda chintanE gAni || Evil minded people may charge me as criminal.
I only surrender to Sripathi the Lord of Lakshmi, my solace.
C bAguga neevE bhAgyamu gAni rAga rahita tyAgarAja vinuta harE || You are my fortune forever.
Tyagaraja worships Hari that neither hates nor is attached to anyone.

veNugAna lOluni - kEdAra gowLa- roopakam

In this kruti Tyagaraja describes the ecstasy felt by the Gopikas (milk maids) on observing the beauty of Sri Krishna.

P vEnu gAna lOluni kana vEyi kanulu kAvalenE || A thousand eyes are needed to see the exhilarating beauty of Sri Krishna who immerses Himself in playing divine music on flute
AP ali vENU lella drushTi chuTTi vEyuchu mrokkuchu rAga || Charming ladies with long bee colored tresses were gazing at him in ecstasy and were bowing to him. They were waving turmeric water around his face to ward off evil looks
C vika sita pankaja vadanalu vividha gatula nADaga
okari kokaru karamuna niDi yOra kanula jooDaga
Suka vachanamulu (ravamulu) gala taruNulu sogasu gAnu bADaga
sakala surulu tyAga rAja sakhuni vEDaga vachchE ||
Beautiful maids with lotus like faces were dancing keeping hand in hand in a variety of rhythms.
They were shyly observing Krishna from the corner of their eyes.
The young ladies sang in joy like parrots, sweetly. All the celestial beings came down to witness the grand spectacle. Such Krishna is dear to Tyagaraja

vara nArada - vijaya Sri - Adi

In this kruti, Tyagaraja pays his obeisance to Narada saying that he is perpetually immersed in meditating upon Narayana and that he is the unique Guru of the world.

P vara nArada nArAyaNa smaraNAnandAnu bhavamu kala || Oh blessed Narada, you perpetually enjoy the bliss in meditating upon Lord Narayana.
AP Sara dindu nibhApa ghanAnagha sAramu gAnu brOvu mika || You shine with the brilliance of the moon in Sarat rutu (Sept & Oct).
You preached me the essence of devotion and glory of God.
C sakala lOkamulaku sadguru vanuchu sadA nE nataDanuchu hariyu
prakaTambuga keerti nonsangEnE bhAvu ka tyAga rAja nuta ||
You are known well as the esteemed Guru of the whole world.
Hari bestowed you the unique position and identified Himself with you. (Narada is known as one of the 21 incarnations of Vishnu.)
You are a great thinker.
You are worshipped by Tyagaraja.

vAsu dEva yani - kalyANi - Adi

In this keertana Tyagaraja describes the part played by the dowarika (gatekeeper) who appears on the stage before a dance drama is enacted. He sings the praise of God before requesting the stage manager to tell about the drama.

P vAsu dEva yani veDalina ee dovvAriku ni ganarE || Look at the Dowarika setting forth chanting the name of Vasudeva
AP vAsa vAdi sura poojituDai varija nayanuni
madini dalachunu ||
He keeps in his mind the lotus eyed Vasudeva, who is worshipped by Indra and other celestial beings.
C neeru kAvi dhOvatulanu kaTTi niTala muna nanu Sree
choorNamu beTTi
sAri veDali ee sabha lOchuTTi
sAreku bangaru kOlanu baTTi ||
Wearing a dhoti, sporting a namam (mark of tilakam) on his forehead, walking on the stage, holding a royal golden staff, he sets forth.
C mATi mATikini meesamu duvvi
manmadha roopuDu tANani krovvi
dATi dATi paDuchunu dA nivvi
dhambunanu palukuchu paka paka navvi ||
Twirling his moustache repeatedly, feeling proud that he is very handsome, laughing loudly, he is speaking and moving on the stage.
C bAgu meera naTanamu sEyuchunu
patita pAvanuni tA vEDu chunu
rAga tALa gatulanu bADuchunu
tyAgarAja sannutuni pOgaDuchunu ||
He was acting and singing melodiously to the beat, praying to Lord Vasudeva, the redeemer of the fallen. He was praising the Lord of Tyagaraja.