by Damodara Rao Dasu

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dinamaNivamSa - harikAmbhOji - Adi

In this kriti Tyagaraja praises Rama as the most precious jewel of Sun Dynasty. He adds that He is everything for him.

P dinamaNi vamSa tilaka lAvaNya
deena SaraNya ||
Oh Rama, You are the precious jewel of Sun dynasty. You are beautiful and compassionate.
AP manavini bAguga madini talanchuchu
chanuvuna nElu chAlugA jAlu ||
Keep me always in your heart and protect me affectionately.Enough is this waiting for me.
C 1 Sarva vinuta nanu samrakshinchanu
garvamu lEla gAchu vArevarE
nirvikAra guNa nirmala kara dhruta
parvata tyAgarAja sarvasvamou ||
Oh Rama, Siva worships you. If you are proud who else will protect me? You are immutable to external influence and you are unblemished. You lifted Govardhana mountain with your hand. You are everything to Tyagaraja.