by Damodara Rao Dasu

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rAma ninu vinA-SankarabharaNam-ropakam

In this Kruti Tyagaraja assures us that devotion to Rama,not only protects us but also bestows salvation.He says that elders worshipped in a gentle way to realise Rama's 'tatvam' i.e.nature.

P rAma ninu vinA nanu rakshimpa norula gAna || O Rama, I don't find any other deity that protects me.
AP tallitanDri yannadammulu daivamu neevani
yullamunanu yanniTa ninu challaga bAguga jhoocheda ||
My heart revels in ecstasy in believing that you are my mother, father,brother and god.
C1 pAvana nee bhakti sadA pAlinchunu mOkshamosagu
marava nee sannidhini pramANamu chEsi balkeda||
O Rama the most pious one ,I can swear and say in your esteemed presence that devotion to you protects us always and bestows salvation.
C2 satva guNambunanu upAsana yonarinchiri peddalu
tatvamu telisenu ika bhava taruNOpAyamu neevani
Elders with gentleness and good qualities regularly worshipped you to realise your 'tatvam'i.e.essential nature.So I understand that devotion to you is the only device to cross the ocean-like world.
C3&C4 lOkula nija dAsulagani lOpaDudu rasooyalatO
Srikara ninu dushinchina cheDi pOlEru gAni
kOrina kOrke losagE SriramaNa ninnaniSamu
chEriti SaraNanukonTini SrityAgarAja vinuta
People are often jealous of your devotees.They even blame you.Inspite of it you don't harm them. O lord of Lakshmi,you fulfill our desires.I seek refuge in you only. Tyagaraja pays his obeisance to you.

rAma kOdanDa rAma-kharaharapriya-chApu

In this Kruti Tyagaraja says that he is not fascinated by the world which is like a puppet show.He expresses his yearning to see and talk to charming Rama.

P rAma kOdanDarAma pAhi rAma paTTAbhi rAma || O Rama with bow in hand,O King Rama,please protect me.
AP immahini bommalATa joochi
kammagAnu oka mATa lEdA ||
This world is illusion like a puppet show.Why don't you converse with me sweetly?
C1 pAlugAru mOmu joopa neeku pAlu mAlika Ela Sripa|| O lord of Lakshmi,why are you reluctant to show your beautiful face?
C2 Asinchi nA mEnu karaga gAni nee
vAsuna rAkunDEdi eruga ||
My body is melting away due to unbearable yearning for you.I am at loss to know the reason for the inordinate delay.
C3toC6 marulu konTini indAka
E pAmarulu SapinchirO lEka
chEyi baTTi naluguri lOna yuramu
jErcha pAtruDanu gAna
jagamu nolla nanu konTi bhu
jaga Sayana nammu konTi
eduTa nilachi brOvu rAja mukha
sadaya pAlita tyAgarAja||
Some wicked ones are jealous of my love for you and might have cursed. Don't I deserve to be taken close to your heart? I refuse to believe this world of illusion.I pinned absolute faith in the lord that reclines on Sesha sepent. O Rama,please remain in front of Tyagaraja compassionately.

rAmAninu nammina-mOhana-Adi

In this Kruti Tyagaraja praises Srirama as the sustainer of all and as the dispeller of sins.He laments at the temporal nature of worldly life.

P rAmA ninu nammina vAramu gAmA sakala lOkAbhi || O Rama that enchants the world, are we not your faithful devotees?
AP pAmara jana doora vara guNa ghruNA
pAnga SubhAnga muni hrudaya bhrunga ||
You keep sinners at distance.You are virtuous and compassionate. You are like a bee for the lotus-like hearts of sages.You are handsome.
C1 vAlAyamugAnu rAnu jAgEla suguNa daSaradha nru
pAla hrudayAnandakAra Sri lOla pAla velayumika
phAla lOchana hrudayAlayApta jana pAla kanakamaya
chEla ika parAkEla ipuDu ma
mmEla needu manasEla rAdu||
You are the heart throb for King Dasaradha.You are dear to Lakshmi. Please appear before me.You are in the heart of Siva.You protect ardent devotees.Your costume is golden.Why is this indifference?why is this hesitation to protect me/
C2 neevE gati yanTini gAni nE vErEmi eruganu mundara
rAvE nee pada pankaja bhakti neevE bhAvajAri nuta
dEva needu pada sEvA phalamu mamu gAvunE patita
pAvana tridaSa nAdhaneeya muni
jeevanAniSamu brOvanEla SrirAma
I've absolute faith in you.Please bestow me devotion to your lotus feet.Siva the enemy of Manmadha worships you. O lord,you are the refuge for the hapless.Worshipping you protects us.You are the lord of celestials and the prop for sages. Why don't you protect me?
C3 dhArAdhara nibha dEha janAdhAra duritougha jalada sa
meera tyAgarAja hrudayAgAra sAra heena sam
sAramandu vEsAri ninnu manasAra nammu kona nera lEni nE
nooraka ika vichAramanduTaku mEra gAdu SrirAma||
You are bluish as clouds.You are the sustainer.You are the wind that dispels clouds of sins.You dwell in the heart of Tyagaraja. O Rama,I am disgusted with the emptiness of the ephemeral world. So I sought for your grace.There is no point in worrying forever.