by Damodara Rao Dasu

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patiki mangala hArateerE-Arabhi-Adi

This is a benidiction song to the divine couple Sri Rama and Sita. Tyagaraja praises Sita as the icon of modesty, as the repository of virtues and Sri Rama as the conqueror of desires.

P patiki mangaLa hArateerE bhAmalAra nEDu sAkEta || O women,wave auspicious 'Harati'today to the lord of Ayodhya. (Harati is waving of camphor flame to ward off evils)
AP matiki sompu galuga jEyu sadguNa
vatiki mAnavatiki Sri sitA ||
Wave Harati to Sita.She delights the hearts of all. She is the repository of virtues.She is icon of modesty.Wave Harati to Rama the lord of Sita.
C 1 kAmAdi ripu vidAriki hariki
sAmAdi nigamAchAriki surya
sOmAkshuniki tyAgarAja prEmAvatAruniki kOsala ||
SriRama the incarnation of SriHari,dispels engrossment in desires. He is comrehended by Sama Veda and other scriptures.The Sun and the Moon are his eyes.His incarnation is dear to TyagarAja.Offer Harati to Rama the king of Kosala.

nagu mOmu galavAni-madhyamAvati - Adi

This is 'Utsava sampradaya keertana'(sacred festival song).In this song Tyagaraja praises the noble qualities of SriRama.He adds that Rama bestows the four fundamental objects of life namely Dharma,Artha,Kama and Moksha.

P nagu mOmu galavAni nA manOharuni Rama captivates my heart with his charming and smiling face.
C1 dEvAdi dEvuni divya sundaruni
Sri vAsudEvuni sitArAghavuni ||
He is the lord of Devatas.His beauty is divine.He is Vasudeva the spouse of Sita.
C 2 sujnAna nidhini sOma surya lOchanuni
ajNAna tamamunu aNachu bhAskaruni ||
He is the treasure of spiritual knowledge.His beautiful eyes are like the Sun and the Moon.He dispels ignorance like the Sun dispells darkness.
C 3 nirmalAkAruni nikhilAghaharuni
dharmAdi mOkshamulu daya chEyu ghanuni ||
He is purity personified.He eradicates sins. He is the generous bestower of four fundamental objects of life namely Dharma(righteousness),Artha(wealth),Kama(desire) and Moksha(salvation)
C 4 bOdhatO palumAru pujinchi nE nA
rAdhintu Sri tyAgarAjasannutuni ||
Knowing well about him, Tyagaraja worships again and again with all adoration.

challaga nAtO-vEga vAhini - Adi

In this kruti Tyagaraja requests Rama to ignore his short-comings and talk to him soothingly.He adds that Rama is incomparable in his valor and beauty.

P challaga nAtO balku mee rAma sarasa vadana sAdhu santrANa || O Rama with lotus-like face,you are the savior of saints. Please talk to me soothingly.
AP ullamunanu neekE marulu konnAnu
uraga Sayana nA tappulenchaka neevu ||
O lord that reclines on Sesha serpent,my heart yearns for you only.Kindly ignore my mistakes and speak with me gently.
C 1 nirupama Soora nikhilAdhAra
para kAminee doora pApa vidAra
sarasija nEtra SyAmala gAtra
vara tyAgarAja hrudvArija mitra ||
Your valor is incomparable.You are the prop for the entire universe. You are unperturbed by the attractions of women.You are the dispeller of sins. Your eyes are beautiful like lotus flowers.You shine in blue hue. You are like the Sun to the lotus-like heart of Tyagaraja.

janakajA samEta-asAvEri-rupakam

In this kruti Tyagaraja describes Rama as the destroyer of the arrogance of the wicked,as the prop for the universe and as the treasure of virtues.

P jankajA samEta durjanAgha puruhuta || O Rama gracing with Sita,you destroyed the arrogance of the wicked just as Indra dispelled the pride of mountains.
AP sanakAdi sumuni gita sajjana gAna pArijAta || Sanaka and other pious sages adored you.You fulfill wishes of righteous people like the celestial 'parijata'tree.
C 1 dEva dEva sakala jeevana bhuvanESa
bhAvaja ripu bhAva sadana bhavya guNa maNi kOSa ||
You are the lord of Devatas and the entire universe. You dwell in the thoughts of Siva the enemy of Manmadha. You are gem-studded chest of virtues.
C 2 jalajApta kulAmbhOnidhi jalaja hara parESa
jalajAruNa charaNa surajAla dAsuga Sri Sa ||
You are like the moon to the ocean of the Sun Dynasty. Your feet shine like red lotus flower.You dispel demons like the wind shatters the clouds.
C 3 SyAma sundarAnga ranga Sayana vigata mAya
tAmasa jana hruddoora tyAgarAja gEya ||
O consort of Lakshmi,you recline beautifully at Srirangam.You are devoid of illusion. You are at a distance to the indolent.Tyagaraja worships you.