by Damodara Rao Dasu

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aTla balkudu - aThANa - Adi

P aTla balkudu niTla balkudu
vandukEmi sEtu rAma nee||v ||
Oh Lord Rama, how can I understand you? You are confusing me. You talk in one way and again just oppositely.
A.P. toTla narbhakula nootuvu mari mari
tOchinaTlu gillutuvu SrirAma nee||v ||
Oh Rama, you rock babies in cradle to comfort them and sometimes you also pinch them.
C jeevula Sikshinchaga nErtuvu chiran
jeevulugA jEya nErtuvurA
bhavamerigi brOtuvu sadbhakta
bhAgadEya Sri tyAgarAjavinuta nee||v||
Oh Rama, you are capable of punishing us and also make us immortal. You protect the pious devotees . You are our great fortune. Tyagaraja worships you.